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What's God Got To Do With It?

​Undeniable Stories of God's Grace & Mercy

In a world where altars have been replaced with stages and theatrics, it seems many are forgetting about the creator of it all. In a season where everything was halted, we were reminded of the things that really mattered. When life is forging forward at full speed the things of God seem to dwindle away. Yet, when tragedy strikes prayers increase and we turn to the greatest comforter of them all. In the midst of chaos and confusion is not the only time we should seek the face of God. He is with us always and desires to have relationship with us.

But some may ask, Am I so far removed that God does not hear my prayers anymore? Does God really care about me?

Yes, God cares, He is the lover of your soul. He has a great track record of forgiveness, comfort, healing, support, and restoration. He is everything you need him to be, even when you think you are not deserving. You will see in the pages of this book the undeniable love of God and how he cares for his children. If you feel like God is far from you, I assure you, it is you who moved, not Him. He is ever-present!

Some may ask, What’s God got to do with it? I can assure you, He has EVERYTHING to do with it! 

$19.99 Order your copy today!

Welcome to The UpLIFT Store! Here you will find unique and new creations and books to help you #GetLIFTED!

Show your sassy, Breezy (Brassy? Sazzy?) side by rocking one of these original T-shirts by Elohim Tees

Sizes L $15 XL $15 XXL $17

Let's Just Agree To Disagree.

As Long As We Both Agree That I'm Right


I Got My Beauty Sleep



Of Course I Could Be Wrong

But Let's Face It



Oh I'm Sorry

Did You Think I Was Listening To You?


Oops, Did I Roll My Eyes Out Loud?



Your Opinion Of Me Is None Of My Business




Don't worry fellas. Breezy wouldn't leave you high and dry - I'll always keep you low and wet. Here is a collection of apparel for you to!





Breezy-fy your mind and beautify your home with these gorgeous framed original poems by Briana C CaBell

5x7 $12 8x10 $15

Also available in fine mounted canvas print 8x12 $55 12x12 $40 Other sizes available by request

All Works Are Copywrited Material And May

Not Be Used Without Written Permission From

Briana C CaBell








The UpLIFT Show has been blessed to be visited by several phenomenal authors including Breezy herself. Click on any image below to purchase these works.

                  Are Hymns Still Relevant?

Some songs are composed in a sudden gush of inspiration. Others spring from a deep well of personal experience. Stained by blood, sweat, and tears, such hymns have withstood the test of time and are still worthy of our worship services today. But can hymns still provide healing to our hearts today as they did hundreds of years ago? In the long anticipated 2nd book by Pastor Jacqueline Johnson she not only explains and explores the history of hymns but gives insight into the purpose, power and praise behind these powerful words.

The African American legacy in biblical history is very rich indeed. In this impeccably researched and easily readable work, Dr. Robert E. Johnson Sr., gives African American history students and casual readers alike even more reason to be proud of our heritage in religion, in the church, and in history.

Jaycee Morgan is a young, successful woman with a bright future and way too much drama on her shoulders. The problem is that most of it isn't even hers. Jay continually finds herself in the middle of problems that she neither caused, condones, or has the time and strength to handle. Only her faith - even though it has slipped over the years - can keep her head above water.

Meditations From The Minstrel by Pastor Jacqueline Faye Saunders-Johnson takes the idea of a daily devotional one step further by giving the reader an entire month to meditate on each carefully selected verse of scripture in their quest to understand and take hold of the promises of God.

Teddy has a big secret that he just can't wait to share with all his friends.

He is so excited that all the little readers (and listeners) will be excited too!

In this easy to read converted research paper by Briana C. CaBell, the bloodline and genealogy of Jesus is explored and explained revealing the ties of Jesus of Nazareth to the modern day body of Christ.

"When Women Weep", is a message of inspiration for the wounded at heart. It examines how weeping has helped the author strengthen her relationship with God. You will find this book empowering as you learn how being in touch with your emotions can have profound spiritual results. Come journey with the author as she stresses the importance of self-love and trusting God to overcome afflictions. Discover the power of your tears.

Taibika Garnes is a new author that desires to see people be set free from their past. Her hopes are that people will forgive themselves and others who have hurt them so that God will forgive them. This book was written for those that are tired of being locked in by their past and cannot move forward. Your past does not determine your future. Make peace with your past and live for the promises of God. She is a co-laborer at New Vision for Life Kingdom Builders in Baltimore, MD.

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